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Top 3 HIIT Safety Tips

High Intensity Interval Training, better known as HIIT, has become one of the most popular fitness methods. People everywhere are looking to maximize gains from the highly effective training method that has a history of providing awe-inspiring results fast. Simply hearing about how you can blast belly fat and slim down your waistline in just a couple minutes a day may have you searching the page for our training programs tab as you read. Not so fast! Before you take on any new fitness method you should be sure to set yourself up to succeed. This means ensuring your safety for the coming venture. Safety should be of the utmost importance to any fitness seeker. To help you gain the most from HIIT, we have highlighted 3 safety tips.

Go at Your Own Pace

Yes, it is called High Intensity Interval Training, but you should still go at your own pace. What is considered high intensity to you may not be high intensity for the next person. The key is simply to give maximum effort. No one can ask more from you than the best you have to give. This type of training is like no other and you should not expect to master it from Day 1. This is especially true for those who do not normally work out and are looking for an effective training method. Even former and current athletes should not underestimate the difficulty of HIIT. If you stay committed to it and cater your nutrition efforts to a healthy lifestyle, HIIT will gradually become second nature.

Fuel Your Body

What you get out of your body is a direct reflection of what you put in it. If you are eating junk constantly and expect to be able to successfully complete a HIIT session, you have another think coming. It is essential that you properly fuel your body. Many people have concluded that not eating before a workout is the best option as it allows you to burn more calories. Others believe that eating prior to a workout is necessary. We agree with the latter, but eating a large meal or not eating at all before a workout comes with serious health risks. Drink water and munch on healthy snacks before and after your workout.

Wear Proper Footwear

HIIT requires rapid movements and increased stabilization. To ensure you do not suffer an unnecessary injury, be sure to wear the proper footwear. Flat shoes are suggested when lifting heavy weights, while lightweight breathable shoes are suggested for jogging. For HIIT, you should seek out a sneaker with a durable upper to protect your feet while providing the necessary arch and heel support specific to your feet. Visit your local athletic shoe store and let them know the type of training you are expecting start. A good shoe salesman should be able to point you in the right direction.

Jump Rope Gym combines HIIT and jump rope training to create the HI-JRT method of fitness! Our digitally accessible training programs are fully equipped with a daily meal and nutrition plan, step-by-step videos, workout guides, and much more. These are all compiled in an effort to help you achieve your fitness goals fast!  Join the gym and start your body transformation today!