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How To Do Double Unders – Jump Speed

A common mistake I see when learning how to do double unders is in the speed of the jump. People often think they need to jump faster for double unders, when they actually need to jump slower.

When transitioning from single jumps to double unders, you will need to jump a little higher off the ground and increase the speed of the rope. But the pace of the jumps should be slower. This allows you more time for the rope to make 2 complete rotations.

To practice, start by completing a few single jumps, then initiate a couple double unders, then back to singles. This will help you learn timing and jump pace between the singles and doubles.

Key Points:

  • Jump height increases
  • Rope Speed increases
  • Jump pace decreases

I hope this helps explain jump speed and rope speed for learning how to do Double Unders.

Have a great day!

Chris McCarthy

