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How To Do Double Unders – Hand Position

When learning how to do double unders, you should pay close attention to how you are holding the jump rope and the position of your hands.

Here are some tips to help you learn how to do double unders more efficiently.

  1. Keep your hands at mid axis level of your body, right about hip level.
  2. Keep your hand and elbows in close to your body.
  3. Your hands should be slightly in front of your hips.
  4. Hold the jump rope handles with a relaxed but firm grip.
  5. Your thumb should be on the top of the handle and your fingers below with your palms facing forward.
  6. Your hands should be pointed slightly downward.
  7. Rotate the jump rope at your wrists, not at your elbows or shoulders.
  8. Keep hands at the same positioning at all times during the rotation of the rope.
  9. Limit the amount of up and down or front to back movement of your hands.

I hope this helps explain hand position, grip, and jump rope rotation for learning how to do Double Unders.

Have a great day!

Chris McCarthy

