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Learn How To Do Triple Unders

Are you ready to learn how to do Triple Unders? Here are some tips to get you started.

First of all, you should be proficient in Double Unders before moving on to Triple Unders. This means that you should be able to consistently complete at least 25 unbroken Double Unders.

Many of the same components that apply to Double Unders also apply to Triple Unders:

  • Chest up, shoulders back.
  • Jump or bound straight up and down in a vertical plane
  • Remain on the balls of your feet
  • Keep you feet close together
  • Have a slight bend in your knees
  • Heels should remain off the ground
  • Keep hands at mid axis level of your body
  • Hands and elbows hold be close to your sides
  • Rotate the rope with your wrists

Here are some tips and things you should work on to successfully do Triple Unders:

  • Shorten up your cable length so it just clears your head and feet. This keeps it efficient and fast.
  • Speed up your rope rotation.
  • Increase the height of your jump.
  • Work on your timing. You should be leaving the ground just as your rope reaches your toes.
  • pay attention to the tempo if the rope. It should be: Triple-Triple-Triple……Triple-Triple-Triple……Triple-Triple-Triple… 


